
The following is the record of public game progress for September 1st, 2024 through February 28th, 2025.

  • New/updated helpfiles: condition, crafting process, crafts, desert travel, forestry, gather, gathering, mountaineering, name, scavenge, swamp travel, title
  • Updated items: antler-handled iron knives, antler-handled steel knives, bone-tipped arrows, bone-tipped harpoons, clay bullets, crude arrows, crude stone knives, daggers, darts, decorated wooden arrows, dirks, flint-tipped arrows, glass-tipped arrows, harpoons, headless bolts, iron-tipped arrows, iron-tipped bolts, javelins, knives, obsidian-tipped arrows, simple sundials, sling bullets, solid bronze bolts, solid iron bolts, solid steel bolts, steel daggers, steel knives, steel throwing knives, steel-tipped arrows, steel-tipped bolts, stone blocks, stone knives, stone-tipped arrows, stone-tipped spears, throwing axes, throwing knives, wooden javelins, wooden spears
  • Crafting now checks objects that are gettable from a room when determining if ingredients are on hand; for example, one can weave a basket without having to collect the grass for it if one is in a room where grass is freely available. Gettable objects in a room can be checked via the "scavenge" command, as usual. A room's gettables are always the last things checked, so physically amassed ingredients take priority over virtual ones, though if a physical object (such as a stick for a torch) is too far away, the game is still smart enough to try to take one from a character's surroundings. Typical crafting, such as making stone beads from a sack full of rocks brought to another location, is unaffected.
  • Gathering can now take terrain-appropriate travel skills (such as forestry in a forest) into consideration instead of lore skills (such as herb lore or geology). Travel skills are not as effective as lore skills in these circumstances, generally requiring more knowledge for reduced results and having an upper limit to their usefulness. In practice this means that gathering can now train travel skills, too, albeit relatively slowly. This does not change the effect of a character's gathering skill on their results.
  • The way nourishment works has been refactored, making it so now lighter species (particularly goblins) no longer get hungry at up to twice the rate of heavier species. Heavier species (like dhajas) are not penalized by this change.
  • It is now possible to use "damaged" and "undamaged" as valid adjectives when referring to objects. These purely refer to subjects that have (or have not) sustained damage from external sources, not goods that have been partially consumed by tasks like crafting or eating.
  • The "condition" command now has different behavior when used without any arguments, in that it will audit the character's held and worn inventory and provide a list of anything in less than perfect condition. This does not apply to objects inside held or worn containers. Targeted behavior is unchanged.
  • Bows, crossbows, and slings no longer incorrectly assume they already have a target if their users are interrupted before being able to fire a shot (such as by a bowstring breaking), and changing targets after using "fire weapon at target" but before actually launching the ammo now actually updates the target in question. This change also prevents "soft" actions, like speech and emoting, from interrupting an attack made by said weapons.
  • Automatically loading bows, crossbows, and slings with ammo from containers (such as arrows or bolts in a quiver or sling bullets in an open pouch) as part of firing the weapon at a target now properly updates the capacity of the container.
  • Newly-made campfires' fuel-finding behavior now works better when next to extremely large supplies of bulk fuel, such as firewood or dried peat, that are too big to fit into the campfire on their own; characters will now try to add a smaller amount of fuel that's capable of actually fitting inside the ring of stones. Non-bulk objects, like branches, are not affected by this change.
  • Referring to living beings by their descriptors now behaves more intuitively, so it's easier to refer to specific unnamed livings as "blue-eyed man" or "messy white-haired menhit" using most commands; other syntaxes remain unchanged.
  • The "weather" command now has slightly better messaging depending on the position of the sun and moon, and does not interrupt involved tasks like crafting or meditation.
  • Held flags now properly reflect the wind conditions of the room, similar to planted ones, provided the holder is outdoors and there's any wind to speak of.

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